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Old Dos Games

in DOS
Sorry Guys, Don't forget that I am new to computers and I am trying to learn.There was no referal to partion my hard drive, I just meant that I had installed Windows 98. I am not experienced enough to be very specific, but I hope you all will help me learn. I don't know how to check my drivers and …

Old Dos Games

in DOS
That's something I never thought of. Is there a way of checking that? I know my brother used to play the game on 98 with the sound, then switched to ME, didn't like ME and went back to 98, noe he has the same problem that I have.

Old Dos Games

in DOS
Sorry about the short explanation. I have been trying to get the sound to work on an old DOS game called Dune 2. The game runs even with Windows ME, but I couldn't get the sound to work. I can get the sound to work in Windows 98, but not the digital sound. It just dosen't want to play the sound with …

Dos Games

in DOS
Hi Vlad, I took your advice and used partion magic to partition my hard drive and I installed Windows 98. I still can't get the sound to work with my SB!Live 5.1.

Re: DOS Games

in DOS
jspyder wrote: ? Whenever I click on those links, I get a blank page. Are these sites still up? The links do work fine, I just havn't figured out how to use the information in them yet.

Re: DOS Games

in DOS
Thanks Snover, you aren't the first person to tell me that. I am seriously thinking of changing, all I've had are problems with this OS. Everytime I get an update (live update) something else gets screwed up.😜

DOS Games

in DOS
Hi Everyone, I am new here and a beginner with Computers, please be patient with me. I am trying to get the sound to work on a game called Dune 2. Vlad told me what to download, but I am at a loss of how to make it work. I am running Windows ME, with a Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Gammer, ATI 7200 Video …

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