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Other OSes on DOSBox

in DOSBox General
Hello, y'all! I heard that DOSBox was a complete x86 emulator, not exclusively a DOS emulator, so does this mean that I can run other operating systems on it? An answer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

DOSBox running on Windows XP Media Center Edition.

in DOSBox General
Well, I installed DOSBox on my Laptop running Windows XP home Edition and it runs just fine, but I just installed it on my other computer running Windows XP Media Center Edition and I have encountered a problem.... The installation went smoothly, and it runs and everything, but when I tried to mount …

Old versions of Windows in DOSBox

in DOSBox General
I have made an interesting discovery. Apparently, old versions of Windows such as Windows 3.0 or 3.1 run just fine inside DOSBox! I have set up windows 3.0 and Windows 3.1 in it and they both run just fine. I plan to upload the full installations of these to my website someday, but I could sooner if …

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