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Re: Glidos as shim

http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/quicktime/qtdevdocs/QD3D/qd3dgeometry.2f.htm Not like voxels at all. In most 3D modelling programas you can use NURBs to create your characters and then you tesselate them into triangles. (billions and billions of triangles ;-)) The NV1 is a NURB machine. If …

More NV1 stuff

Someone got it close to right, the graphics chip in the Saturn was NURBs based and the NV1 was NURBs based so Sega decided on this "deal" with nVidia where the official "Sega PC" would be one with an NV1 in it. Good for nVidia, compatibility for Sega, etc etc. I bought the thing on the strength of …

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