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Re: problem with VDMSound for Win9x

Well I tried it on two different games. Loom (floppy) and Monkey Island 1 (VGA floppy) which both worked with the windows 2k version of VDMSound. Win9x VDMSound actually makes the adlib sounds worse and when I try to use the roland (Midi?) sounds then the games either: 1) freeze up and I have to …

problem with VDMSound for Win9x

I downloaded the Win9x version, but I can't get it to do anything. I do all it says to do (edit Autoexec.bat, run dosdrv.bat, etc) and when I try to run any game with Roland sound, vxdsload freezes and I have to use crtl+alt+delete to get out of it. I'm guessing that I have to edit some of the files …

strange problem with Rayman

in DOS
I can usually run Rayman on my computer fine, since I use Windows 98, but now the sound won't play. I used autodetect for the sound card, and the test succeeds, but in the game, no music or sound effects play. What can/should I do?

Making sound work better

in DOS
When I had Windows 2000 I used VDMSound to hear the better sounds in the older games I downloaded. But now, with Windows 98, I can't use VDMSound anymore. Is there another program I could use to do this, or is there a way I could do it myself?

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