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Re: need help! - Dinosaur Adventure 3-D

in Windows
I've tried everything and it still hasn't worked. just up to that screen. I've tried it with another old game. 'Jyrassic Park Paint and Activity Center' and it worked til' it went to the menu and locked up. maybe I'm doing something wrong or it's the dos box! probably me. 😒

Re: need help! - Dinosaur Adventure 3-D

in Windows
I have XP. I did that and it keeps saying this. http://img335.imageshack.us/img335/9375/yo9yb.png so close yet so far. and I have plenty of space! >.< it says on the cover it can run on DOS or Windows. and it came out in '93. they made a newer version in 1999 I think. I just have the older version …

need help! - Dinosaur Adventure 3-D

in Windows
I'm trying to get '3-D Dinosaur Adventure' game to work. It was about to work and it said I didn't have enough space to install. the game that is. and I have plenty of space. and that's the main source of the game 'install1.exe' there isn't a 3ddino.exe or whatever. is there any way I could get this …

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