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Re: new dos games! (in development)

in Milliways
i wonder then if, sadly, the reason only relates to the time & effort rather than it explained by it the implication is that coders interested in making the effort to produce more comprehensive s/vga games are now very few and far between :( Yup, there's definitely that. For me there's another …

Re: The Internet Archive has been hacked

in Milliways
Just make the data available read only until they figure things out. The fact they didn't do that, and how long it's taking, I think things are much, much worse than they are saying. That could be true, and it wouldn't surprise me, because that's the unfortunate nature of modern web frameworks for …

Re: The Internet Archive has been hacked

in Milliways
They're holding our data hostage with a "oh no we're under attack please donate" page. Talk about being "conspiratorial and inflammatory". Maybe not everyone involved with IA is a perfect example of human virtues (I kinda know what you mean), and the system is not without its flaws, but that …

Re: MartyPC

in PC Emulation
This 'temporal dithering' effect has been demonstrated on the Tandy 1000 (which does have the VRAM to page-flip in graphics modes), so you guys can judge for yourselves: 320x200x85 Tandy 1000 TL Demo (YouTube) Technical details: https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/tandy-1000-tl-85-color-demo. …

Re: MartyPC

in PC Emulation
You may wonder why IBM doesn't change the value of R3 when switching between 80 and 40 column modes, if the hsync width will double in 40 column mode. On a RGBI monitor such as the IBM 5153, a PLL controls the actual hsync time, and will return the raster before the CRTC's programmed hsync width of …

Re: MartyPC

in PC Emulation
There's really no extra tricks with the elephant that I can see. VileR (i assume) just drew a lot of frames of mr elephant, and he's a good artist! I'd leave it up to him if he ever wants to blog about how the art pipeline for Area 5150 worked. I understand there was a converter made that could …

Re: MartyPC

in PC Emulation
My talk on Area 5150 has been uploaded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWQB6HmqKig Forgot to reply here. Brilliant talk! It's not every day you get to watch a professional dissection of something you worked on. Got a kick out of the clever use of visualization - to illustrate how 'ansi-from-hell' …

Re: Where is the rest of the world?

in Milliways
Dial-up BBS using Telix or similar software existed before Win95 but were only popular among a small group of enthusiasts. As I wrote in the previous post, TANet was the first TCP/IP ISP available in Taiwan, and college boys in EE or CS majors soon created many not-so-academic BBS for recreational …

Re: Where is the rest of the world?

in Milliways
Compared to US, modem was another device that received very little attention in Taiwan before mid-1990s. High landline application fee (~US$200 per number; that was half of monthly income of a typical middle-class) and no flat rate in 1980s limited userbase; a "pirate island" with no phreaking …

Re: Video game actors are now on strike

in Milliways
NaNoWriMo Says Condemning AI Is ‘Classist and Ableist’ . The Suffixes of Doom have been uttered according to protocol, so no counter-argument can ever be considered. Them striking actors and the rest of those nasty bigots had better realize how problematic their undertones are and get in line. …

Re: Windows 3.0 driver for CompaqEGA?

in Milliways
eddman wrote on 2024-08-02, 18:20: Where does it say E might be corrupt? IIRC back when I tried extracting it from the .json, at least part of it came out as garbage. Maybe it's been replaced with a good one since then, but if Rev. G didn't help then E likely won't either.

Re: Windows 3.0 driver for CompaqEGA?

in Milliways
The video BIOS is another possible source of differences from the IBM EGA, especially with early cards like that. Compaq had multiple revisions of their EGA BIOS. Not sure which one 86box expects by default, but maybe a later one will fix the issues with Windows' generic EGA driver? See https://www. …

Re: Internet Archive down

in Milliways
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2024-05-27, 18:14: Any news on your side? I read it's a DDos attack to erase some Genocide proof? Is that the new "it's aliens"? I can't wait to see which reputable and respectable sources have pooled together their world-class investigative skills to establish such a thing in …

Re: SVGA Games for 286 ?

in Milliways
Moraffware's got yer back Check out the ones from 1991-1993 or so. These guys made a point of supporting every common SVGA chipset and the games are mostly simple enough for a 286. Not recommended for the photosensitive or for those with a history of adverse reactions to psychedelics.

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
The truth is that we are a message, traveling through the universe. The message is contained in our DNA and will only be readable at the time it is delivered. This is why the grays are probing peoples butts, to try and decypher the encryption en-route. So just remember if you are ever feeling down, …

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