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Re: Problems with takeda's emulators

The links take me to the coder's github pages (for the one i looked at anyway), and there are faq files under doc - have you seen those - they seem to have advice on various issues? like here https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7/blob/master/doc/FAQ.html Have you tried creating an …

Re: old movies

in Milliways
Clockwork Orange was released when I was a kid, I don't think I saw it until at least 20 years later. I was really amazed to watch Kubrick's other films, still got a few to go. Also like Cronenberg's output, from Rabid and Shivers back in the 80s through Existenz, Naked Lunch and Crash to History of …

Re: old movies

in Milliways
I don't think I know anyone who hated old movies as such. People I know or knew who came of age in the 1930s-50s (some have passed on) were not film buffs, and seem to love(d) the old musicals and comedies and possibly a others - the rest they can take or leave, and certainly a lot of what is now …

Re: Your vintage data hoards

in Milliways
i have a box of CDs I burned 20-odd years ago, they are getting discoloured now and I can't be bothered to check whether they work yet. I also keep all my old hard drives, goodness knows whether they will work if I ever fire them up. Basically when I used to upgrade, I'd copy the old stuff to the …

Re: Where is the rest of the world?

in Milliways
Hello! My impression is, that Vogons is site #1 for old computer stuff, at least here on planet earth (yo?). Everyone, who is interested in computing, speaks enaugh (omg-, pidgin-) english to verbalize his / her matter. But the boards statistics says, that almost every user is from the so-called ' …

Re: The insanity / stupidity and greed

in Milliways
And when stupid fish do bite, and it happens often enough, those who come after - both buyers and sellers - start to think that's a reasonable price... what else can they do? Really, best to just vote with your feet, screaming into the wind won't change anything... But we have a thread for this sort …

Re: Mac mini G4 1.25 1GB - can it retrogame?

in Milliways
You can put Mac OS9 onto that, which means you can then run old Mac games that would have been written for 68k and PPC. That's the reason I have one, though to be fair since I got OS9 installed I haven't actuall used it much. If you're interested the place to go is macos9lives.com.

Re: Quantum3D 100SB repair attempts

Where the pins on the digital chip broke, they look thinner than on surrounding ICs eg the GENDAC, and happen to be near the PCI connector. I wonder whether it ould simply be an area of high physical stress when the card is being inserted (especially if it gets slightly flexed) and/or could that …

Re: It outsourcing everything

in Milliways
where i work:no more my documents, all on one drive. moving to all- cloud devices no more proper laptops/desktops. MS 365. sharepoint replaced network shares. virtualisation of everything. ms teams. cloud everything. out-sourcing, off premise hosting. as long as it works, i dont care tbh.

Re: linux help

in Milliways
Incidentally isn't there some Ubuntu version in the MS App store so you can use it on Windows 10 (and presumably 11)? That's using WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux). Virtualized kernel. Not sure how you get any GUI stuff working in WSL; I never got far enough along playing with it... And certainly …

Re: linux help

in Milliways
I would avoid the g4, for the g3 imac I tried linux (mintppc) on you had to rewrite the BIOS or some such, which was not reversible. But ymmv of course. As a long-standing occasional user of debian, I'd suggest that or ubuntu. Ubuntu can sometimes work out of the box as it were, but it's debian …

Re: any Thinkpad fans?

in Milliways
no, nearest is that i used to have a 701c and 701cs if i have the numbers right, the butterfly keyboard ones. upgraded one of them to the faster cpu, upgraded the ram, upgraded the hard drive, installed linux, faffed with wifi drivers, got bored and then sold them. long time ago. they seemed pretty …

Re: is anyone fotzing around with Turbo Prolog?

in Milliways
I played with Win-Prolog or LPA-Prolog now and again. Not for quite a long time now. It seemed a clumsy language when trying to write the sort of code I might have written in BASIC or Pascal - Python is much more natural by comparison. As I recall Prolog revolves around a database of rules that it …

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