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Re: Can't run a clipper program...

Maybe, just maybe, you'd be better off using the environment variables on XP and running your clipper program natively. I've come across very weird problems with the clipper/xp combination, but the solution always came down to editing environment variables, using the program in full screen mode, …

Re: Monochromatic CGA simulation. Is it possible?

Oh well, I messed with the shaders but had no luck with them... to be fair, with the knowledge I have on shaders making it work would be a matter of pure luck indeed. In the end I tried MESS as vasyl suggested. It does simulate a mono monitor so that you end with shades of gray that really looks …

Re: Monochromatic CGA simulation. Is it possible?

I would find this to be very odd indeed. CGA stands for color/graphics adapter , which means it was designed for color monitors using a digital TTL RGB encoding @ 60Hz. I remember PC color monitors being very expensive and people that wanted color would use CGA cards with TV-Outs as an alternative. …

Re: Monochromatic CGA simulation. Is it possible?

Very interesting those shaders! Just tried the MCGreen.fx shader and unfortunately it really isn't much like the real thing (at least as far as green CGA monitor image is concerned). It sure makes things all green but besides being green the image it produces looks like it suffered from color …

Monochromatic CGA simulation. Is it possible?

Sorry if it was already asked here before, I searched and couldn't find anything about it. In the 80's I were one of those that played games on CGA mode in a green phosphor CRT and loved it. Seeing CGA games today on all their real color "glory" don't fell like the real thing at all to me. It's like …

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