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Re: USB Support

Ah, well see that's a slightly different question. VirtualBox provides USB passthrough support, so that a device running in the virtual environment can talk directly to the USB device, bypassing the host OS. DOSBox does not support this, because DOS games pre-date USB and thus don't require it. …

Re: USB Support

The problem is we're all a bit confused why you would ask such a question, unless you have encountered a specific problem. It's like someone asking whether Microsoft Word has USB support - it doesn't need it because Windows, being the operating system, looks after all hardware devices, USB or …

Re: USB Support

Not to mention once a solution was offered for printing the OP then said DOSBox still couldn't be used because it doesn't offer USB support. So perhaps if the specifics could be listed, there might be a better chance of someone coming up with a solution. About the only things I can think of that …

Re: New command.. colors

But if you're talking hex, colour aa is a valid value. Colour 10 for both text and background. Colour 10 is bright green, so you should have bright green text on a bright green background, or as bg-intensity is disabled by default, blinking bright green text on a dark green background. This is what …

Re: Reasoning behind new .dro format?

Did I say that? I don't think it was me, I didn't have any problem with the original .dro format, it has escapes in there to allow all registers to be used. I certainly don't mind the more efficient layout - as you say I could create some sort of utility to examine the format in more detail instead …

Reasoning behind new .dro format?

Hi all, I'm just starting to look at the new .DRO Adlib capture format in the CVS version of DOSBox, but as I'm starting to figure out how it works, I'm beginning to wonder what the reason was behind its implementation. As far as I can tell, it's a more optimised version of the original .dro format. …

DRO2MIDI v1.4 released

Hi all, For those of you here who use DRO2MIDI to convert your DOSBox captures into MIDI files, I have just released a new version with some new features . (I haven't yet implemented the new .dro format used in the CVS version of DOSBox, but I hope to have that in the next release.) The new features …

Re: Patch to improve OPL captures

Funny I should stumble across this again - I actually fixed the CMF playback problem a week or two ago and sent a patch to the AdPlug author - it's in CVS now, so the next release will play funky.cmf and the others properly. (Or you could build the CVS version of course!) I also might be to blame …

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