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Re: Help whit ati agp cards ;)

The first two cards (of which the Rage Pro Turbo is best) support the proprietary ATI CIF acceleration API which existed prior to everybody standardizing on OpenGL and Direct3D. The Rage 128 is a later generation card which supports Direct3D at roughly the level of Nvidia TNT cards, but without the …

Re: Help whit ati agp cards ;)

Some level of hardware-accelerated OpenGL support for the 3D Rage (Rage IIC/Rage Pro Turbo) series does exist, at least under Linux and BSD. I'm not sure if that's possible under Windows or not - I'd expect so. However, they're not particularly zoomy cards for 3D. For 2D, they perform quite well, …

Re: Help whit ati agp cards ;)

First card is Rage IIc with 2MB EDO memory. In terms of 3D performance it's in the same tier as S3 Virge. You can find vintage3d's reviews here. No hardware OpenGL acceleration under Windows XP; not sure about D3D. The second card is Rage Pro with 8MB SDR. It was on the same generation as Voodoo 1 …

Re: Help whit ati agp cards ;)

Between V1 and V2 is about right. There were a few versions with widely variable performance, though. I will say that PCI Rage 128s are very nice DOS cards on S3/5/7 systems, with the capability to handle early OpenGL and D3D games well enough.

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