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X-Wing floppy version <> X-Wing Collector's CD: cutscene improvements?

in DOS
I have both floppy version of X-Wing (+ floppies for Imperial Pursuit and B-Wing) and recently got my hands on the X-Wing Collector's CD. This CD has X-Wing + both expansions and 6 new missions. I read that it also has "improved cutscenes", but I did not see a lot of difference with the cutscenes of …

Re: Star Wars: X-Wing (B-Wing Tour of Duty)

Oh man, I know this is a super old thread, but I recently installed X-Wing and both expansions (got them all in mind big boxes from eBay), and noticed the same issue with the B-Wing expansion. Thanks a million of this info! Worked like a charm. Strange that these files were not overwritten by DosBox …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

No, the developer of the patch stopped with development. The latest version is not compatible with the machine=vgaonly setting, unfortunately... I guess a shader (these seem all to be compatible with vgaonly) that does the exact same thing would be my best option...

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

the target resolution must be 4:3, and it must have some integer path to get there. Yep, looks to me that's the big difference with the PPP: the PPP does not require the aspect ratio to be exactly 4:3. It will try to get as close as possible to that aspect ratio, but also takes into account the max …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

My monitors full resolution is 1920 x 1080. The sharp shader works fine So just to be clear: the sharp shader is supposed to handle a 320x200 that has to be on a 1920 x 1080 monitor like this: - multiply width by 4 - multiply height by 5 - resulting in sharp 4x5 pixels - resulting in a 1280 x 1000 …

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