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Re: What do you drive?

robertmo wrote on 2020-06-09, 14:14: 2007 like new real bargain https://www.romansinternational.com/used-vehi … i-Veyron-U7366/ I have one of those too. I live out in the county so it is fitted with tire chains and a snow plow.

Re: virus on vogondrivers

Caluser2000 wrote on 2020-06-26, 22:04: Tetrium wrote on 2020-06-26, 10:16: What exactly is a moaner type? 😜 And wouldn't wanting to moan a lot actually be a good reason to come here and moan? 😜 You'll recognize them the instant you come in contact with them. 😀 OMG they wrecked my system but I do …

Re: What is your weirdest troubleshooting experience when dealing with retro computers/hardware?

Mine was with a system I built with an Asrock K7VT6. Sometimes it was fine other times it would blue screen before windows was loaded. Long story short, the memory I was using was not on the QVL and I had the bios memory timings set to auto. Every time it was powered on, it would set random timings …

Re: Eco-warriors to the rescue!

I think that in the case of incandescent light bulbs, we are already at the point where it is OK to ban them. There are already viable and long-lasting LED bulbs at all kinds of light spectra, so it really is hard to justify this old technology. heat lamp, sun lamp and lava lamps? Also, try using …

Re: Modern hardware prices ?

After 4 months of unemployment for lots of folks, you would expect people to be running low on cash and prices to be falling. Well I don't know where you live but I am in the U.S. and am one of those that made more on unemployment with the $600 weekly bonus than I did when working. Glad to be back …

Re: Archive.org lawsuit

dr_st wrote on 2020-06-07, 21:56: I think the concern is that if the IA is forced to pay "damages" to the publishes over the theoretical loss of sales, this could bankrupt the entire endeavor, and then everything might be forced offline, including the Wayback Machine. Yes exactly.

Re: Archive.org lawsuit

kolderman wrote on 2020-06-07, 21:40: Whut. I said the library has nothing to do with the wayback machine. They are completely different technologies. Banning the library is not banning old versions of websites. They are affiliated so they are the same. Do you not get that? READ THE ENTIRE THING …

Re: Archive.org lawsuit

Never heard of this library. Nothing to do with the wayback machine. What? Did you read the article? Yes. Four of the nation's leading book publishers have sued the Internet Archive, the online library best known for maintaining the Internet Wayback Machine. The Internet Archive makes scanned …

Archive.org lawsuit

https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/p … ending-program/ This could be really bad. There is so much preserved there , and it could be all lost.

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