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Soundblaster AWE32 (PnP) length

in PC Emulation
Greetings, I was wondering about this...I have an SB AWE32 PnP and the annoying thing is, it's not quite full-length ISA. It doesn't quite reach the support thing (don't know the english term) inside the pc case, so it just hangs there, bending down a bit due to gravity. I was wondering if there are …

Re: Power supply problem

Thanks for the replies so far. Frustrating that something seemingly so simple is beyond my powers to repair. Tried fiddling with it this afternoon and got zapped. No more of that 🙁 Too bad, because it is such a nice machine, with the Tseng ET4000/W32p on-board and an AMD 586 133 MHZ overdrive proc. …

Power supply problem

Hi, I just saved an old Compaq Prolinea 4/33 from the scrapyard, but there's a problem with the on/ff switch: it doesn't seem to work anymore. This switch is located on the front of the machine, and there is a fat black cable with 5 thinner cables inside leading to it from the PSU (the PSU doesn't …

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