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Re: Screenshots of the current CVS

in DOSBox General
Necro, to post pics you need to make sure they are *.jpg/*.jpeg (same thing.) To post a pic, do "post a reply" and near the bottom, past the message area, there should be something that says "Attach File" click browse and go to the directory where the pic you want to upload is. Afterwards click …

Re: DOSBOX Extension not Recognized

in DOSBox General
I'd recommend stealing a 486 off your local highschool. I've seen some 486's in my old highschool. (They hired me to fix 10 computers) And I also saw a Pentium 55mhz. Or look around in http://www.ebay.com and see if you can find shomewhere to buy an old PC. Or you could assemble one yourself.

Re: Oldskool demos

Ok, I'll dual/install 98 and not have to worry about hardware profiles anymore (although I never tried them) However those drivers are only COMPATIBLE! As is the card. But it isn't """"COMPLIANT"""". It's like a GeForce 2, it is compatible with direct x 9, but it dosn't do any of the snazzy effects. …

Re: Oldskool demos

I've been able to run nearly any game on my PC when I had 98. (not SE) I could run 4 color games all the way to Rise of Nations. Duke Nukem, Death Rally, Tyrian 2000, Ultima Underworld 1 & 2, Ultima 0 - 9 (running 8 was a bitch, and 0 is Alakabeth), Shadow Warrior, Blood 1 and 2, Zone 66 (This one …

Re: Screenshots of the current CVS

in DOSBox General
No! Don't ban me! Or... I'll... yeah.... Anyways! How do I post a picture? I got some of Death Rally and I want to post them! But I can't because I don't know how... Is there anyway to upload it or send it to someone for them to post it? Thanks! -Kail

How do I execute current CVS?

Hi! I just downloaded the Sept. 24CVS from http://pcnwstage.phys.rug.nl/dosboxcvs.tgz and when I untargzip it, it shows a bunch of unknown files and some *.am there is a file called INSTALL but it isn't an *.msi or *.exe and I wanted to try out the new CVS. Any ideas on how to get it to work? Thanks …

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