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unsupported port 3c2h access

Pandemonium demo by DEMANIACS hooks irq 2, which DOSBox does support, then reads port 3c2h, which DOSBox doesn't support (hard-coded return value, instead of toggling bit 7 occasionally). I'll try patching it to use port 3dah instead, but is there a better workaround?

incorrect VCPI installation check?

While trying to run Reality Impact demo by HALO, which requires EMS (the non-EMS code tries to load selectors before entering protected mode, which of course doesn't work), the VCPI installation check always fails. I see this check for JEMM in ems.cpp: if (((reg_cx==0) && (reg_di==0x0012)) ... This …

int 2e (exec comspec) support

I see that DOSBox does not support int 2e calls. It is used by Oh No demo by Zool (http://www.mbnet.fi/Apaja/Kopioi.asp?Tiedosto=/0/0/OHNO%2EZIP) Here's some hack code to fix that. It's not the proper method but it works. Run this and then you can run the nice demo. .model tiny .386 .code org 100h …

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