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Re: Boxed Original AdLib

in Marvin \ Sound
If a replica does replicate 100% the original, is it really a replica or is 100% the same? No! Replicas are not history. Of course you can use a replica. You can go further down that slippery slope and emulate. A perfect emulator gives you the same result. How about an old building? A fire destroys …

Re: Sierra adventures by disk (images)

Hey, thanks Spaz. That shows the 360K disks do indeed contain smaller archives. I ended up throwing it onto two 1.4MB disks; you can't even tell from a gameplay point of view it is on floppy disks (which is undoubtedly intentional) other than the very occasional trip to "disk 3." Unfortunately, I'm …

Re: What retro hardware you killed today or in the past :(. Killing spree stories+serial killers are welcome.Rest in pieces.

My first "real computer" that was solely mine and used was a hand me down i486-66 DX2, in a fine large tower. Sadly, it was around for less than a year. One day it simply wouldn't turn on. Seemed like a power issue; back then I was clueless and had no idea what to do including asking for help. …

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