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Re: Tetris Classic for Windows MIDI Music/Sound Problem

in Windows
Make a batch file that loads TCW.exe and run it with VDMSound. OPL2/3 and MPU-401 emulation will be available for the NTVDM session launched by the batch file. TCW.exe will run into that NTVDM session instead of running into Win32 subsystem, because it's a 16-bit application. However, VDMSound …

Re: Tetris Classic for Windows MIDI Music/Sound Problem

in Windows
You can play online and submit your score here : Tetris Ummm... simply playing 'any' Tetris is not really quite the point. The point is, getting one of my old favs to run. I mean, I own a cazzilion Tetris games, so lack of something 'Tetris-like' to play isn't the problem . or try getting …

Re: Tetris Classic for Windows MIDI Music/Sound Problem

in Windows
I do not think its possible. What you are explaining is trying to trick the CPU into thinking that something is there, when it is not, and re-directing the data. I was thinking that something along the lines of a 're-director' might be in existance though, as there are 'virtual MIDI cable' …

Re: Wrong file date after extracting archives

I'm thinking we should block Norton Commander from being executed in DOSBox Please do *NOT* block NC from being run under DOSBox! (see below) to prevent copyright infringement of the program I myself _own_ versions 1.0 through 5.0 (as well as NC95, which IMHO was a piece o' crap). and force people …

Tetris Classic for Windows MIDI Music/Sound Problem

in Windows
Tetris Classic for Windows MIDI Music/Sound Problem (cut 'n' pastes from a few previous messages that I've posted elsewhere here in the forums: After building up my new(er) XP machine, and then subsequently discovering DOSBox, most everything I have will run just fine. That is, except for one that …

Re: Duke Nukem 3D Caribbean

Caribbean has to be activated via the "Gamer" software. That's a tool being installed with Caribbean. My memory is a bit hazy, but IIRC the 'Gamer' utility was simply something that extracted all of the required files for Caribbean in your DUKE3D directory, and then deleted them after exiting the …

Re: Weeds' Old 486 DX4-100

I always wondered how white plastic would burn like that..do you know if it had anything to do with the environment? I'd say the breakdown was like this : Miami dust and humidity - 40% Nicotine - 40% White plastic that naturally yellows with age - 20% LOL! DO you still use the machine for …

Re: Weeds' Old 486 DX4-100

Yep. I still have my license for it. QuikMenu ruled! It surely did :) I've been a user of QM since v2.0 (I forget which year that was release?). I also helped beta-test QM for Windows (got a free copy of the final for my efforts), but the Windows version never 'felt' the same as the good old DOS …

Re: Weeds' Old 486 DX4-100

Yup there's nothing like resurrecting hardware that was believed to be history. I've built up a nice retro collection doing just that. ;) My friends have always said that I was nutz... 'all of your antique computers, Rich!'. I simply reply, 'Man! That's my old 486, she's an old woman, and still …

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