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Re: Secret hidden "Cheat Room" in Falcon 3.0?

in Milliways
Is it just that the cheat mode is called "cheat room" in this game much as what in other games might be the main menu screen seems to be called the "war room" in the manual? Seems that pressing P then Tab, lets you type in cheat codes, after which you resume your game by pressing P. Maybe you press …

Secret hidden "Cheat Room" in Falcon 3.0?

in Milliways
Secret hidden "Cheat Room" in Falcon 3.0? Does anyone have any idea how to access a supposed "Cheat Room" in Spectrum Holobyte's Falcon 3.0? Common knowledge is the game's secret hidden "Transporter Room" accessed by pressing "P", "TAB", and then "T". A message box pops up saying "Transporter Room", …

Re: Help identifying the name of a song

in Milliways
For anyone interested: I extracted the Sierra format music files from the "RESOURCE.000" data file from the 1992 Sierra On-Line Christmas card, and converted them to standard MIDI files. The filename for the Sierra format music file for the song in question is "101.SND", and there are seperate …

Re: Help identifying the name of a song

in Milliways
liqmat wrote on 2024-12-25, 06:20: My guess would be it’s an original from Rudy Helm for the Christmas demo. Thanks for the reply. The thing is, all of the other songs are traditional Christmas songs (like the 1988 Sierra Christmas card).

Help identifying the name of a song

in Milliways
OK, this is driving me nutz! Does anyone know the name of the song that is played in Sierra On-Line's electronic Christmas card for DOS from 1992 (the fourth electronic Christmas card that Sierra released). The song in question starts at 2:05 in this video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= …

Re: Chuck Yeager's Air Combat: The lost 2-joysticks TSR?

in Milliways
Beside that, the author of the Cyac joystick TSR replied and he will when time permits take a look in his archives. Crossing fingers! Hey vetz, just wondering if you saw my previous post above? :) BTW, if you do get a reply from the author, ask if he has the beta version of the second version of …

Re: Chuck Yeager's Air Combat self-running demo version?

in Milliways
It would be really nice for showases to have some selfrunning demos from different games or scene-stuff to present machines with. Two things I remember from back in the day: At our local CompUSA they had a computer hooked up to a bunch of monitors running Future Crew's "Second Reality" in a loop. I …

Re: Chuck Yeager's Air Combat self-running demo version?

in Milliways
I'd investigate if there are any hidden command line arguments to make it just run a demo reel. That's what I was thinking as well, but there doesn't appear to be any. The command summary/quick reference guide lists all of the valid command line parameters for the game, and all of them can also be …

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat self-running demo version?

in Milliways
Read on this web page -> http://www.migman.com/sw/chuck-yeager-air-combat/lgn.php : They had a copy of Chuck Yeager's Air Combat running in demo mode. I watched the dogfight between the F-86 and the MiG-15 and I was awestruck. It was so much better and more fluid than anything I had seen until then. …

Re: Chuck Yeager's Air Combat: The lost 2-joysticks TSR?

in Milliways
Hey vetz, take a looksee at what I found! :) Note that this is the non-beta version of the TSR (as mentioned on his archived web page that I linked previously). Anyhow, I did some REALLY DEEP DIGGING through my old archives and found it :) The ZIP was dated early 1995, so that's when I must have …

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat Joystick AutoHotkey Script

in Milliways
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat Joystick AutoHotkey Script Readme: CYAC_JOY.AHK ------------ This AutoHotkey script adds several joystick routines and features for use with Electronic Arts' "Chuck Yeager's Air Combat" when running the game under DOSBox. The script adds joystick Z-Axis throttle support ( …

Re: Been playing Chuck Yeager's Air Combat for DOS

in Milliways
darkenedroom wrote on 2024-11-13, 23:46: This may explain why they have to keep resurrecting pilots, no one else is willing to serve on board with a menu like that! 😀 Hehe, it used to drive me nutz: here I fly a mission and kick royal ass, and then all they serve me is a saucer of peas, a glass of …

Re: Been playing Chuck Yeager's Air Combat for DOS

in Milliways
P.S. Here was a pic I had uploaded to Facebook a while back when I was extensively playing the game 😂: Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the meals on the U.S.N. Peacekeeper aircraft carrier in JetFighter III are rather CRAPPY (just like hospital food, or school lunches) LOL?! The game …

Re: Chuck Yeager's Air Combat: The lost 2-joysticks TSR?

in Milliways
I have a THRUSTMASTER ACM joystick card on the way to me. It has two joystick ports. Perhaps that can do the trick you explained. I don't own a splitter cable unfortunately. As long as the card is wired for a joystick "one" and a joystick "two", I think that will do the trick :) One thing to note: …

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