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Re: GPT disks on windows XP SP3 (partially solved)

in Windows
I don't quite understand the dictatorship in this forum I didn't share any link I just told @Sphere478 the way to find the software utility he was looking for. I can't PM you (more censorship) but maybe you can PM me. It's difficult to say. I should have pointed out that you should avoid mentioning …

Re: Windows XP at high resolutions with scaling

I'm not sure how ATI/AMD cards perform but I recall seeing reports about those video cards (if supported DP1.2) having working HBR2 on XP thus can show higher resolutions. It was said that ATI/AMD used a different approach than nVidia to achieve that. For nVidia, however, you're limited to DP1.1 …

Re: Windows XP at high resolutions with scaling

I'm not sure how ATI/AMD cards perform but I recall seeing reports about those video cards (if supported DP1.2) having working HBR2 on XP thus can show higher resolutions. It was said that ATI/AMD used a different approach than nVidia to achieve that. For nVidia, however, you're limited to DP1.1 …

Re: Limit DOS RAM memory (XMSDSK / HimemX / JemmEx), DOS RAM size limit

in DOS
That's very interesting. I hadn't ever thought about using an older HIMEM.SYS that already had a 64MB limit. That seems perfectly reasonable for DOS. When is more than 64MB ever needed in a pure DOS environment? The only use case I can think of is higher end "workstation" kinds of environment that …

Re: Limit DOS RAM memory (XMSDSK / HimemX / JemmEx), DOS RAM size limit

in DOS
Here are some relevant discussions on GitHub: https://github.com/FDOS/kernel/issues/89 https://github.com/FDOS/kernel/issues/91 https://github.com/Baron-von-Riedesel/HimemX/issues/3 These reports have to do with LIMITMEM not working with FreeDOS, being unable to workaround it with EMM386 (in my …

Re: What makes (or made) WinME so horrible?

A little offtopic: Why NT versions couldn't run dos games? Was the NTVDM bad? I don't understand, how XP (at least revision 2600) can run them, but 2k, or NT4 can't. I remember some games not running on ME either, but running on 98se, and it had nothing to do with the lack of that msdos mode during …

Re: DirectX install on Win95 OSR 2.5

I have a 1994 Trident SVGA card in it! This brings back memories. I had a Trident 9440 PCI video card in my very first PC. For that video card, DirectX since 5.x provides its own driver that could pretty much supersede the one you'd install from the driver disk. Similarly, as later Windows (98/Me) …

Re: Style problems/bugs

in Milliways
I'm having an issue with the search box. If I search for a two-word term with a space in the middle, like mobility radeon (not in quotes), I get lots of results. Then I hit the gear icon, change the 'sort by' field to 'post time', and hit 'go', and I get the page that says 'No matching posts were …

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