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Re: Windows 95B

in DOSBox General
1) The internal mount command in DOSBox is done via its emulated DOS. Once you boot off from an image, it is gone. 2) DOSBox can handle every joystick or gamepad available to the host OS. It then is accessible as a virtual joystick on an emulated gameport. This means that you're restricted to say a …

Re: Gotek emulator woes

Wow, that's some kind of question you don't see every day! I'm no owner of a Gotek emulator myself, but I have an idea. You can try to open those images (*.img or *.ima) with WinImage and then change the floppy format. But becareful, this can render the image useless in some cases. So better make …

Re: 3 floppy drives

The plan is having those 3 drives on a Pentium II or as early as 486 and have Windows 95C. The first link above me claims I should look for a 4-drive floppy controller. So I guess i'll be using an early 486 that takes I/O add on ISA cards. Since I don't want to disable the onboard floppy. Would …

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