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Re: Video 7 EGA card driver disk

Sorry about lack of replying. I've downloaded the utility disk and it works with my card. I can now run the vega.com. and it recognises my card. I'm using a 5160 and a 5153 monitor. Im having problems getting 16 colours on Legacy of the Ancients. It seems to display only 4 colours. As the 5153 …

Re: Dosbox Debugger for MAcOS 10.14

ok, Do I need to install and SDL libraries on XP? I've tried registering the sdl.dll with reg32svr but it does not work. I've placed the dosbox debugger in Windwos/system32 where the windows debug.exe is and I still get the same error about the sdl.dll.

Resolution and aspect ratio 27" monitor

Hello all, I'm having problems forcing the resolution and aspect ration in dosbox for games. I've set the following in the .conf file but it does not seem to respect this. When I load a game its completely out of proportion and no the proper aspect. How can I for this when using a massive 27" …

Leisure Suit Larry 6 (Talkie) 16bit ??

Hi all, I've been trying to get LSL6 talkie working in 16 bit colour but the vest I can get is 8bit. Is there anyway to get the VESA detecting 16bit and the game actually working. I've tried the diamond2 VESA driver that comes with the CD and I have dosbox configured for the TSENG4000. The VLIST …

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