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Re: DOS programming tools

Oh, and the last release of Allegro for DOS (4.x) still builds perfectly fine with the latest djgpp/GCC. I have some notes about building it with GCC 12.x on Linux here: https://www.target-earth.net/wiki/doku.php?id … blog:pcdevtools

Re: DOS programming tools

Open Watcom is great, especially if you want to do cross compiling from Linux. It has all your target types down. However, don't try to use it with Allegro. In that case stick with djgpp. There are much newer versions of GCC available now, so don't go trying to use the bundle from the DJ delorie …

Re: which specs would you recommend for a gaming rig that can cover the whole DOS area

As you have no doubt found from the replies so far... There is no magic unicorn machine that will cover the entire DOS gaming era and be accurate at everything. The reason you get so many recommendations - all the way from 486 through to P3 - is because people have their 'own' particular eras of …

Re: DJGPP doesn't leave error logs

in DOS
You're really doing yourself a disservice by sticking to the ancient release of djgpp on Dos. If you used the cross compile djgpp toolchain on a modern Windows, Linux or Mac system you would get the advantage of a far better compiler and the ability to plug it in to most modern IDE or editors (if …

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