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Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Oh, an interesting question. Though, I don't think this is the simplest way to add multiprocessing there, this function is the main CPU consumer, actually. Apparently, generateSamples() is quite complicated to split the processing over samples since every next sample is dependent on those TVx …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

It's great to hear you're able to help with testing on the Mac platform. Though, this app isn't a product quality yet, I believe it'll become a product soon (maybe this year) 8) Anyway, I'd like to know how it performs for you. If it comes to be related to the UI app, I suggest to move the …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Quick update: Qt-based synth app uploaded (@ https://github.com/downloads/sergm/munt_devel/mt32emu-qt_2012-02-21.zip) with the fresh win32 driver. In the improvements list: - support for platforms: Win, *nix (ALSA and OSS4, partially OSS3) and Mac - UI improvements (menu, better configuration) - …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Added CoreMidi support. I expect we'll need dedicated CoreAudio module as well since PortAudio sucks calculating proper timings on every platform I tested it and very likely will fail on Mac. 🙁 On the other hand, CoreAudio should give us excellent timing (at least the docs promise that).

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Things are changing. mt32emu.dll included in current builds isn't a DMusic synth anymore, so it can't be registered using rundll32 and DllRegisterServer. It's still a Win32 app, therefore it can't be properly installed using .INF file on x64 system. And perhaps there's no need to register the driver …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

UAC _is_ supported, don't worry. But the message you mentioned relates to the fact the installer doesn't register any packages in the system registry. You can read about it more in the win 7 app compatibility help page. At least, I didn't find the installer performs any badly regardless of the …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

collector wrote: sergm wrote: And who likes? 😀 Many do, but that still does not address the problem of the installer. Well, then it'll be great to hear exactly what a problem you have encountered 😀 Though, it's not an installer, just a driver copying & registration tooly.

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

As you can see from sources, only ROMs with known (hardcoded) size / sha1 digest are supported, and currently there're only 2 sets of ROMs available. The plan is to add many more ROM infos and to make emulation distinctive depending on each ROM set.

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

@Leolo: sort of 😀 Just going crazy... @Dominus: Currently, we've difficulties with both coding and testing on Mac OS X. Thus, we need (your) help. Although, finding working GPLed RTP-MIDI capable class should solve the problem eventually.

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Current build of Qt-based GUI-enabled mt32emu for Win32. https://github.com/downloads/sergm/munt_devel/mt32emu-qt_2011-12-10.zip It needs installed and working mt32emu MIDI driver, though it's included and accompanied with trivial drvsetup. For linux you'll need to type at least: cmake . make sudo …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

@Kaminari Redux: Too bad, the capture you made shows significant differences. We need a detailed analysis of this Thunder patch at the partial level (which is impossible w/o KG's wonder-box). @endre1952: Good question... Without a detailed spec, there is almost nothing to do. To succeed, we need a …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Please check DAC input emulation mode. I encounter similar crackling if turned GENERATION1/2 mode only. I encountered subtle distortions with other tunes when the mode isn't NICE. This is really strange to me since KG and I crunch almost all out of amp levels emulation. Errors were about +-1 both …

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