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Re: What does this dream mean?

Well since this thread can't get any more off topic, I figure I will throw my two cents in for Draconihil. I battle with depression on a daily basis. Some days are better than others. I am lightyears beyond where I was in my 20s but still feel like my life is a mess. Things that have helped: …

Re: Anyone have bad luck with Linux?

I started using Linux at first because my lover wanted me to do thing differently, been using it ever since I noticed performance improvements in various minute things... like networking and the fact Wine tends to run some of my games a hell of alot better than native windows, how does that work!?

Re: What is your age?

SpooferJahk wrote: old computer stuff fascinates me greatly. Like old AST computers? I still remember when I was young and Windows 95 was all the rage (both good rage and bad rage)

Re: What does this dream mean?

I'm no expert, but, just sharing my thoughts. I guess, if you can concentrate hard to get to the root or the source of the depression(whatever started it all and when), there may just be a remedy for it. Don't you have any positive memories to forcefully latch onto in such situations? It may sound …

Re: What does this dream mean?

I wish it were that easy but usually when I wake up, I'm left staring up into the air not wanting to bother getting up because every day of this life has gotten progressively more pointless as time went. On some days I can't even tell if this is the real world or another dream. I get an awful lot of …

Re: What does this dream mean?

I once had this dream where I was standing in the trainyard local to my family's house (which I am currently still residing at for the time being), and I saw my human self laying with his neck on the rail as a train was approaching. He, or "I" rather, had his face covered up with the UCSD hoodie my …

Re: What the crap happened to this S3M file?

Yeah this also get's it to load in some really cranky players. I actually took the "no loops" pattern data and merged it with the corrupt patterns so they work again, but another funny thing I noticed. Some of the samples aren't right between the two files... Maybe the samples that were supposed to …

Re: Remember Old CD-ROM Shovelware?

I posted some time ago, the shareware CD's I had. One of which was mentioned in this thread already "Over 1000 Games: The Complete Encyclopedia of Games" by Microforum - On 2 discs. I also have "Nothing But Action" and CD from GlobalStar that contained, alot of random freeware\shareware titles …

Re: What the crap happened to this S3M file?

What's really disturbing is in OpenMPT the mangled note data is all like "let's play D-? on instrument number 234" and in IT.EXE the mangled pattern data does all sorts of really screwed up effect data, even effects that show characters used in the GUI elements like the blips in the note dot display …

What the crap happened to this S3M file?

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/45822870/SONG0.S3M Whenever I try to play the (20-35 or in otherwords, the next song in the file, it's separated by a blank space in the order list starts with pattern 50) it completely breaks impulsetracker, and even OpenMPT screws up... Corrupted file?

Is there a WinQuake that better recreates the MSDOS engine?

and also implements the neccesary features needed to connect to modern ProQuake and QuakeWorld servers. I've been playing Quake in a MS-DOS 6 virtualbox and I really like the look of the engine. The underwater water warp is really interesting and something I don't see in WinQuake. I read somewhere …

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