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Re: Conventional Memeory 638 KB

in Milliways
I don't think I or any software I have used has used the EBDA data, but I think I have always set it to eat away the memory. Who needs one or two kilobytes anyway? I have a SIIG LBA BIOS card that steals the top 2K. It causes issues with poorly written applications that check for 640k of RAM ( …

Re: Best PCI VGA for a K6-III+

Of course you didn't see them because you were only looking for regular P5A's. Here you have the super special awesome best of the best, last of its kind, rarest of the most rarest P5A... in Rev. 1.05!!!!!111 :happyhappy: Typical wiredforservice BS and pricing. I should check if my P5A-B is 1.05, I …

Re: windows8

in Milliways
Windows 95 was the last operating system that Microsoft dedicated massive resources to human-computer interaction research (user interface design, etc.) That's what makes it so fascinating all these years later, particularly the early betas where things were dramatically changed from one build to …

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