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Re: SoftMPU 0.5 - Software MPU-401 Emulator

in SoftMPU
Ultima VI requires intelligent mode and works with SoftMPU 0.5. It doesn't seem to have a problem with EMM386. Ultima VII on the other hand doesn't tolerate either EMM386 or HIMEM.SYS, but works fine with UART mode.

Re: SoftMPU 0.5 - Software MPU-401 Emulator

in SoftMPU
As another data point I ran a quick test on Wing Commander II using my SB16 CT2940 (Vibra Pro). MPU out + digital speech worked without any problems. Would like to understand this issue better - perhaps it only affects earlier SB16s. Is Wing Commander II + speech pack the only game that requires …

Re: My Borland Turbo C++ game! [video]

in DOS
Hi, thanks for sharing your work. Interesting what you say about the vintage dev experience. I agree that a modern dev environment takes away some of the fun. However, developing inside an emulator does allow super-fast reboots and easy access to low level system debugging if the code requires. …

Re: SoftMPU 0.5 - Software MPU-401 Emulator

in SoftMPU
Actually a driver of this type is provided with various sound cards, Google "virtual MPU driver". As an aside, I have the next version of SoftMPU working with Gateway and Laser Squad now. Presumably other games that require MPU interrupts will work too. I'm using code from DOSBox for the high-level …

Re: What is it with retro computing?

in Milliways
Problem solving 😀 Getting these older systems and software working always involves a healthy amount of it. For the engineer mindset, this is fun. I'm sure there's plenty of us who have spent more time building/upgrading our systems than actually playing games on them.

Re: 3dfx DOS modes

in DOS
I found that both Descent 2 and Carmageddon didn't work (crashed on startup) in DOS using the glide2x.ovl that's packaged with the last official release of the Voodoo 1 Win9x drivers. I had to copy an older glide2x.ovl into the directory of each game to get them to work. I think I used the glide2x. …

Running Privateer (GOG version) under real DOS - digital sound corruption

in DOS
I've copied the installer and the rest of the files from the game folder, and burned a CD from the GAME.GOG iso file. The game starts up fine under DOS, but some (not all) of the digital sound effects and speech are corrupted (static). Has anyone else tried the GOG version under DOS?

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
Eradicator is not bad actually and has some terrible/hilarious FMV at the start... "WE'RE ALL DYING, HELP US!". It's just that Duke 3D makes all the other FPS of that time look sub-par. Latest <£5 eBay acquisition. The best games always come from people who have had them lying in a cupboard for the …

Re: Connecting Roland Mt-32 to a SB16 Ct2230

in Milliways
Turning down the FM volume should only affect FM music (i.e. OPL3) and the XR385. There is a seperate WAVE volume for digital FX. a) Either, but makes sense to plug MT-32 into YMF71x and XR385 into SB16 because of the daughterboard header issue. b) Monkey Island uses port 330, AFAIK all games use …

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