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Quake 3/4/Wars raytraced

in Milliways
Were these demos ever released or were they just a tease to put in videos and new articles? If they were, where can I download a raytracing renderer for Quake 3/4/ Quake Wars?

Shadow of Destiny/Memories

in Windows
Guys, is there any way to get this game running on a modern computer? It doesn't work on my Windows 7 PC and it doesn't work on VirtualBox with XP+Direct3D support enabled. I really want to play this game. I'd buy a GoG bundle patched for Windows 7, but this game has not been released on GoG.

Re: Sandbox games for a 286?

in Milliways
Not really listing Sandbox games, but a surprisingly large amount of cool games runs on a VGA 286 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_ZEWvokp3o , I think Elite First Encounters will too. These EGA/VGA games run on a 10 Mhz 8088 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzum0M97PaY so these will definitely play …

Re: Geforce power managment mode

in Milliways
Sorry for adding to a month old thread, but does alt tabbing away from the app that is set to "Prefer maximum performance" change anything or the settings stay as long as the process is launched?

Re: ISA VGA screen redraw

To provide examples: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dyUmny3wj- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-TTW3fPypg Wouldn't 2 MB/s speed mean the Trident is running in 8-bit mode? The tearing seems to be more evident in SVGA than VGA. 640x480 in 256 colors would mean 6.5 fps at 2 MB/s and the framerate here is …

ISA VGA screen redraw

I've noticed in videos of computers using slow ISA video (think Trident 8900), or PCem with video set to slow 16-bit animations redraw in a "flipping page from top to bottom" (or opposite) kind of way even when the framerate is relatively fast (meaning ~20 fps). I never saw this with PCI/AGP/PCIe …

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