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City Beneath the Surface

I just discovered a formerly shareware turned freeware Finnish DOS RPG of the first-person party based dungeon crawling variety (also known as "blobber" as far as I know), with the original shareware available here and freeware version here . The game launches in DOSBox (I'm using v0.74, but not the …

Good free antivirus solutions?

in Milliways
I've been using Avast Antivirus Free for I think about a decade or so, but recently it has started to show symptoms of feature creep, and now on top of that wants bank account details to renew the free license. I started looking at possible alternatives, Bitdefender seems like something people …

Re: Recommend Games that have downloadable demos

in Milliways
Almoststew1990 , you should totally check out: Classic PC Games Collection at archive.org dosgames.com DOS Games archive RGB Classic Games Gamesmania Demo Depot (Wayback Machine copy) http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/msdos/games/ http://www.gamers.org/pub/archives/uwp-uml/ http://www.gamers.org/pub/ …

Re: Warcraft film

in Milliways
Much of which is possibly inevitable when you're driven by profit, and they are only games, but there was a time I took Blizzard stuff seriously, and it pissed me off when I realised they didn't. Yes, I can totally relate to that. I still believe that the best piece of Warcraft fiction outside the …

Re: Best version of a game to play

in Milliways
Yes, I'm quite interested in this problem as well but I not aware of a centralised resource that would contains this kind of information across many games. It's probably not feasible because there may be lots of differences between released versions of a game, that may have a varying impact on …

Re: Help Star Control I/II creators vs. Stardock lawsuit

in Milliways
Some more analysis at http://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Stardock_Systems_Inc._v._Paul_Reiche_III_and_Robert_Frederick_Ford Haven't read much of it yet, so I'm not sure how impartial it is, but it seems well-sourced at least. I've been kinda following this story, thanks for the link, this article is indeed …

Re: The best game ever

in Milliways
robertmo wrote: this one is done by a 7yo girl: https://store.steampowered.com/app/425770/Ans … r_The_Question/ I'm guessing this one is incredibly addictive? one more turn syndrome?

Re: Warcraft 2 not that fun anymore?

in Milliways
Still, I would love to see Warcraft I with Warcraft II's higher resolution and updated interface (rightclick action, better group select options). This would at least make the single-player campaign as fun and playable as that of the second game. What do you think about the Mac version graphics? …

Re: Warcraft 2 not that fun anymore?

in Milliways
I remember reading this article (or a similar one), and what exactly is said there is: We had some dedicated folks that were passionate about the idea, dig up the Warcraft 1 assets and code. They got it working and they got it running in a window. And I played it. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans was awesome …

Re: Open source DOS games

in Milliways
Recently a friend suggested an interesting looking game called WetSpot 2 which was written in QBasic and the source code is available: DOS binary: w2exe.zip BAS version: wetspot2.zip DOS editor binary: wowexe.zip BAS editor version: wow.zip Apparently someone is working on a source port: https:// …

REKKR (Ultimate Doom TC) has been released

in Milliways
I've been kinda-sorta following this Doom TC project called REKKR for a while, and a few days ago it was finally released. REKKR is set in a Norse-esque medieval fantasy world and features completely new, well, everything, from maps and textures to weapons, monsters, interface, music and sounds. …

Re: Guess the game!!

in Milliways
now time for a legendarily bad shareware "game" hint: the game does not legally involve ralph bakshi in any way (cool world wasn't the only bakshi work ripped off) and the game is a bad game and it uses strange modex video modes and it has the worst sound effects and amazingly it's not made in …

Re: PNG compression: GIMP vs Krita

in Milliways
Thanks for the tip, PNGOUT gives a slightly better result than Krita. UPD: However I noticed that PNGOUTWin reduces the ppi resolution of compressed images while Krita keeps the same ppi as the source file.

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