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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

The brutal doom v20c patch is only required for new GZDoom versions but has more bugfixes so i recommend it anyway. ZDoom LE of course can run brutal doom 20 but it's barely playable on a pentium ii, it will be surely too slow on a pentium and i guess it will require at least 64 mb of ram. BTW 2.1.4 …

virtual sound canvas problems

I've installed virtual sound canvas on windows 7 and with the vst midi driver i'm getting a huge delay, about 30 seconds, in games. The game (zdoom) freezes for that time at every level change before music starts. This is an athlon64. With savihost it's not working, midi is not redirected from …

Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Big update, i actually wasn't very happy with the old release. Now direct3d works while maintaining win95 compatibility. I've edited the first post. I want to comment something on the quad mode algo. At last i think i know how the original double one worked. It copied the first half of the screen …


I guess you've tried ZDoom LE. On BTSX they switched to the new MAPINFO format introduced in ZDoom 2.3, to keep compatibility they'd have used ZMAPINFO instead. BTW it crashed on vanilla that's why there are two wads now.

Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

DosFreak wrote: You're catering to a niche of a niche. Probably would get more response on a Doom specific forum. I already knew that, actually i've posted it at doomworld and at least they've not locked the thread. Hope the classic version actually runs well on a 486, it should.


A ZDoom version from the good old days recompiled for 486 machines with some stuff and fixes added. Why not 2.1.7 you may ask, well that one crashed instantly with a SIGSEV signal in thingdef.cpp (CreateNewActor) and didn't look good. May be trying to use memory without reserving it first. I haven't …

Re: Zdoom fork?

in Milliways
It's released @GitHub, i've started a new thread. ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition) Edit: in the end compiling with -mtune=586 made a big difference, about 40% performance increase, on the pentium 90 the framerate went from 16 to 22 fps.

ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Finally i've released this @GitHub, now i'll copy the readme file. :) https://github.com/drfrag666/gzdoom/releases I've released ZDoom LE 2.8.3 (GL 1.8.4c) JUL 11 2018 but i don't feel like writing a changelog anymore, it's an important update with several bugfixes (one major old ZDoom bug) and more …

Re: Zdoom fork?

in Milliways
Never mind, i linked directly against the dlls and it works now. Only thing that intrigues me is i linked to libdinput8.a instead of dinput8.dll becouse i got those undefined references. May be there is a wrong version of dinput8.dll in my system, i don't know what i was supposed to do. So am i …

Re: Zdoom fork?

in Milliways
I've downloaded and installed the directx 8 sdk (dx8a_sdk.exe) but i keep getting the building without directsound support message. The sdk is installed in the c:\mssdk folder. Definitely i'll need your help to compile openal with directsound and mingw, i'd like to know how you've done it. I can't …

Re: Zdoom fork?

in Milliways
I knew that tutorial, finally linked and despite the serious warnings it works but without sound. CMake was trying to link with the system dinput8.dll. I should have built the openal library first but i can't. I need your modified openal library (.a files) since i don't have the DX SDK, it's a big …

Re: Zdoom fork?

in Milliways
It doesn't compile, seems like the makefile is bad. I generate a makefile for codeblocks with cmake but i get a directx error (missing ddraw.h). The reference to DX i get in cmake is DX_dguid_LIBRARY, i'm using dx80_mgw. I don't know how to add the DX libraries to the makefile. Edit: it's compiling …

Re: Zdoom fork?

in Milliways
I've been reviewing your patches and i'm wondering why you've changed the handling of paths for config files. I see you've switched from GetUserFile to PROGDIR, was there any problem before? On the movie code i guess it didn't work, right?

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