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Re: FastDosbox 1.6

In addition, I ran # apt-get source dosbox Then performed a diff with fastdosbox's source. There are countless changes, especially in the CPU core. There really aren't, if you ignore whitespace changes (and compare against say, dosbox SVN r3783 since fastdosbox is missing a lot of more recent …

Re: FastDosbox 1.6

But if that's true, why then is it so much faster on benchmarks like topbench even when I use the fastdosbox-CVS.conf setting in my dosbox.conf? If fastdosbox only changed configuration options, they would run at the same speed. Those two statements are contrary to each other. If you can take the …

Re: FastDosbox 1.6

Pickle wrote: I wonder if people are paying $1 to have the dynamic core turned on for them... I think you're right... there's barely any noteworthy changes in the source code, besides making the default core "dynamic" instead of "auto".

Re: Upscaling DosBox recordings (ZMBV Errors)

The issue is not Virtualdub (which is "modern" - latest release was last October), it's an issue with installing the codec - right-click on the "Install movie codec" entry on the start menu and choose "Run as administrator". Then use 32-bit (not 64-bit) virtualdub for editing.

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