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Undocumented instruction

some days ago I tried to run norton sysinfo on emulated system and discovered that the program calls instruction ffh 07h (two-byte opcode in group 5) that is officially unsupported by intel. of course the program crashes! Does anyone knows which instruction is it? Is there a way to understand and …

CPUID feature fixed

1) The CPUID feature is detected through the ID flag 21. If you can toggle the flag 21, the instruction is available. The first correction, in cpu.cpp, is: void CPU_SetFlags(Bitu word,Bitu mask) { mask=mask|FLAG_ID; // Preserve ID flag reg_flags=(reg_flags & ~mask)|(word & mask)|2; cpu.direction …

Compiling DosBox in VC6 - The easy way

For those of you that thinks that Visual C++ 6 is easier to use but still finds problems compiling Dosbox from cvs i've uploaded a little zip that contains all you need to easily build it. All you have to do is: 1) download latest CVS from: http://pcnwstage.phys.rug.nl/dosboxcvs.tgz 2) download my …

Gamma correction: simple implementation

I've some games a bit too dark that don't support native gamma correction; so i wrote some modifications to render.cpp to increase gamma. Is a fast modification so is far from perfect. I did it for myself, but if anyone is interested this is the code to add: *************************** //addition to …

Re: latest cvs releases - strange bug

it doesn't seems to be a config related problem: i've already regenerated configfile and tried every opl emulations and still don't works :depressed: . Simply when I start with cycles=3000 (or less) it works, while it doesn't works at 3500 or above. It seems rather than a too much busy cpu prevents …

latest cvs releases - strange bug

I've found a strange bug introduced in the latest cvs releases that wasn't into the 0.61 official sources: when i run wolf3d in the cvs build if the cpu cycles are higher than ~3000 the sound card isn't recognized at startup of game. I compiled both 0.61 and cvs with msvc6+sp5+processorpack and only …

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