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Re: Bring out your swag

I used to have a paperclip holder from Boston Mac World Expo '94 (which is the MacWorld that Bungie's Marathon was first playable at, I know, NEEEEERD) but I can't find it. Maybe it's at work. I'll look.

Re: Have you ever personally cracked a CRT?

Also, almost anything that will run a C2D will run a comparable C2Quad, which is STILL a huge amount of performance for the money. Almost a huge amount of performance for ANY money. For even fairly intensive PC tasks I would happily use an LGA 775 system. And do, for Windows 10!

Re: Can anyone give me any pointers on microphones?

I get good results with the headset microphone on my Turtle Beach analog headset. Surprisingly high quality, probably helped out by the fact that it's close to my face and has a foam cover. I also have a USB condenser mic, but that one is harder to keep the misc sounds from picking up.

Re: Have you ever personally cracked a CRT?

When I was at Portland Retro Gaming Expo, the metal flange holding the glass in on one of their pinball machines gave way, and the sheet of glass slid out and onto the floor. BLAM! The machines were all provided by Ground Kontrol arcade in Portland, and they had it fixed before the end of the day.

Re: Have you ever personally cracked a CRT?

Jorpho wrote: AidanExamineer wrote: Rough handling at work with broken CRTs for surplus leads to a lot of dropped CRTs. Never seen the glass break, usually the plastic shell cracks and shatters but the glass stays intact. And it keeps working too? Oh my no. 😀

Re: Have you ever personally cracked a CRT?

Rough handling at work with broken CRTs for surplus leads to a lot of dropped CRTs. Never seen the glass break, usually the plastic shell cracks and shatters but the glass stays intact. There's an old CRT TV that somebody hauled out to my favorite woods shooting spot. They shot it to bits and left …

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