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Re: Most recent DOS game releases, ever?

in Milliways
The BIOS says it's got a AMD-K5-PR166 and about 66.5k of RAM, but I meant to say that Quake drops from 20-25 FPS whenever things are anything but calm, earlier. I'll give it a shot if it can be stuffed onto a CD or multiple floppies. As for the game, I just remembered where I've heard the "radio …

Re: Most recent DOS game releases, ever?

in Milliways
Gunmetal was released in 1998 for MS-DOS and "Windows" but the DirectX version is super unstable no matter what you try to run it on. It's only stable from within a pure DOS environment. It is also easily the nicest looking DOS game anyone could ever play. Gunmetal looks absolutely spectacular. …

Re: Most recent DOS game releases, ever?

in Milliways
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=62781 I'd guess that's the most recent one :) Wow, that's actually really impressive. I bought a collector's edition of Prince of Persia (Ubisoft). The DVDs are dated in November 2005, and it included a floppy with the original DOS version of Prince of Persia. …

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