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Re: Mac OS X & Dosbox .65 & .7 startup problem

MiniMax wrote: Jagged - try to open the dosbox.conf file in TextEdit and play around with the output-setting, and maybe the windowresolution settings. I'd also suggest trying full screen to see what happens there. If it works, you can play full screen without having to change your resolution.

Re: dosbox 0.70

Dynamic cycles have their use and their disadvantages. Some games like Broken Sword won't work well with auto cycles (weird animations) but also, a large amount of games show "glitches" in the sound. This is probably caused by cycles trying to "catch up". Cycles are not directly linked to speed - …

Re: Gabriel Knight CD

http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/39309975/m/312008373831 By the way, Gabriel Knight CD definitely isn't working for me. I can get it to install from XP's cmd, but when trying to run it on DOSBox the music at the title screen doesn't appear, it crashes to desktop when selecting the …

Re: DOSbox doesn't want to run on my desktop

What is it with all these people not using acceleration? I know that 2003 has it turned down by default but I can't think of why XP would have it turned down....The only way XP does that is if someone manually does it.... There are a few games that require reduction of hardware acceleration so I …

Re: Weird problem with KingsQuest6

I think his main problem is that your laziness to spell correctly means that it's extra hard to read your post. We're not getting paid for any of this - we help people because we want to, not because we have to. And when someone needs help and writes a post that is a labyrinth of misspelled words, …

Re: CD-ROM issues in OSX

If you want disc swapping, you definately should use imgmount. You need to give up all the images in the same imgmount line and then use CTRL F4 to swap between them. Dosbox doesn't give you a message though(it should in the console if you ask me).

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