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Re: Yamaha YMF744 on G41/ICH7 - is this possible?

HIMEMX and JEMMEX have different purposes. Ok.. then HIMEMX (so you can limit the amount of RAM seen by the OS, high memory, and Extended memory). And then EMM386 for Expanded memory. There has got to be a better way to do it then to have to have a special boot process because Windows 98 doesn't …

Re: Have you ever get mocked if you use Windows Vista?

in Milliways
I've done a little teasing, my fiance still has a laptop running Vista. I've upgraded it to it's full potential so that it's still barely usable for modern tasks but it does struggle with things like 1080p youtube. To be fair I don't think Win7/8/10 would help it enough to bother with the upgrade. …

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