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Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

tyrells wrote on 2023-09-12, 09:58: I created such a shader a while ago: pixel_perfect.glsl. I'm not sure if it works with the latest SVN versions of DOSBox as I haven't tested it in a while. Yeah, i meant your pixel perfect shader in previous post 😋 Filename dn_002.png File size 23.44 KiB Views …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

I used your build few years ago because at the time I liked to have pixel perfect patch but I'm in DOSBox Staging camp now. They have burned pixel-perfect mode at the stake, replacing it with blurry vertical-only and horisontal-only interger scaling modes, so that the Staging project has no output …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

End of life for DOSBox ECE As you may have noticed, development of DOSBox got somewhat... slow in the recent past. And since DOSBox ECE is based on the SVN of the official DOSBox releases, of course there weren't (m)any new releases of that as well. I must admit, that I wasn't too sorry about the …

Re: Touché: Stuck note on SC-55

Hmm, perhaps the game developers tested with a synth that is immune to the out-of-sequence events and so didn't notice the issue. I'll see if there's a way to identify the b0rked events that isn't too tedious... in the meantime you can just reconcile it as an "annoying bug authentic" game bug. ;) …

Re: Touché: Stuck note on SC-55

Most likely you have a different version of the game. You can search for the byte pattern 33 80 3E 5C 00 90, of which the 80 and 90 bytes are the ones to change to 90 and 80. In the file you have, the offsets appear to be 16740A3 and 16740A7. Thank you, that fixed stuck note on Roland SC VA (and it …

Re: Touché: Stuck note on SC-55

The usual way would be to copy the cdrom file and directory structure to a directory on hdd and mount the hdd directory as a cdrom -- in DOSBox you'd mount with the "-t cdrom" switch, in real DOS you'd mount with FAKECD or the like. You can then modify the files on hdd. Faking a cdrom often works, …

Re: Heads Up: Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi Plugin!

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MT-32-compatible_computer_games Return to Zork "was designed to be output via Roland SC-55 in MT-32 mode with GM percussion", how to do that with Roland SC VA + Falcosoft Midi Player? I managed to send custom sysex command gs_mt32-mode.syx (i'm …

Re: Heads Up: Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi Plugin!

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MT-32-compatible_computer_games Return to Zork "was designed to be output via Roland SC-55 in MT-32 mode with GM percussion", how to do that with Roland SC VA + Falcosoft Midi Player? I managed to send custom sysex command gs_mt32-mode.syx (i'm …

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