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Re: DOSBox-X branch

in DOSBox Patches
Hi. I'd like to find the person who did the GUS stereo fix and maybe knows something about the other code. Points of discussions are: http://hackipedia.org/Platform/x86/Sound/AMD/Interwave/ InterWave IC Am78C201 Programmers Guide v2, (SDK) 1996.pdf (6.208MB) page 7-19 and the software on GUS ACE CD …

Re: Munt Reloaded - Development

Haven't tried going through DOSBOX yet. I've just used the "play MIDI file" option from the MUNT GUI. I've also played some tracks through media player after setting it's default MIDI synth to MUNT using CoolSoft VirtualMIDI. I'll try going through DOSBOX. Edit: Going through DOSBOX now Wing …

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