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Re: Where can I download MS-DOS Editor?

in DOS
Off topic, but what virtualization software are people using nowadays for DOS 6.22, Windows 9x, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, and old Linux distros? All of these ran well in Virtual PC 2007 but that won't work in Windows 10.

Re: Where can I download MS-DOS Editor?

in DOS
The file dos7help.zip which is available in various locations contains the editor. Type QBED instead of EDIT to run it. (This is actually an updated and expanded version of the DOSHELP program included with later DOS versions.) ETA: There's also EDLIN of course, haha

Re: The Internet Archive has been hacked

in Milliways
It's the election. The whole internet has gone to shit the last couple of years because of this damn election. It's not just the Internet Archive, but also Youtube, google, reddit. They've all become unusable. (Similar shit happened in the lead up to 2020, but not as bad as this.) Hopefully we will …

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