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Re: DOSBox compatibility list

Nevertheless might be a good source for the list itself (wich is not illegal). Thanks, will take a look. Regarding the DOSBox compatibility list, is it safe to assume that DOSBox is currently compatible with all of the major ms-dos games , the "mainstream" ones? Or maybe the problematic games, …

Re: DOSBox compatibility list

Yes, like Gemini's shovelware diggers series. Still I don't feel like giving up... what if I concentrate in just one year? Giving the amount of work, counting compilations would be waste of time. Different releases the same. Not sure about that windows/dos situation its tricky.

Re: DOSBox compatibility list

Is there any estimate? 4000? 8000? I've being playing around with the filters in mobygames database, but could'nt find a way to get rid of the compilations and stuff like that, so the numbers are far from accurate. Has there ever been an important effort to the task of having the full list of ms-dos …

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