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Re: Sdl2 Android storage detection?

I believe it just points to the external storage, not internal. If you dont have any, it redirect internally, ie: the /storage/emulated/0 symlink for your app path gets adjusted. I believe, if you trigger the move, android symlinks to it, so you dont kneed to actually know the physical path. I …

Re: How do ISA riser cards work, on classic/vintage PCs with available ISA slots?

they just make the length of the bus longer. you can get like 20 slot backplanes on ebay. I dont know at what length you start getting reflections on the bus or that, but ISA is a slow bus. I've always wondered, what were those huge backplanes used for? Were there really systems that used all slots …

Re: How do ISA riser cards work, on classic/vintage PCs with available ISA slots?

they just make the length of the bus longer. you can get like 20 slot backplanes on ebay. I dont know at what length you start getting reflections on the bus or that, but ISA is a slow bus. the only thing is on the isa bus, you have limited number of IRQ's to share between all the slots. riser cards …

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