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Re: Why Electronic Voting is a BAD Idea

Well, I think you should be paying a net positive in taxes to be able to vote, whether it's from a job or from (like the mother and father raising their children) from other income sources. If you're a net taker you shouldn't be able to vote yourself other people's money (i.e. my and other …

Re: What will we look like in 30 years?

Ah, but LOGO has actual commands whereas wannabes like "Scratch" or whatever it is have graphical blocks that you drag around. And idiot can do that, I've taught it to 7-year-olds who couldn't program their way out of a paper bag (and when I was 7, I was writing prime number generators). Just last …

What will we look like in 30 years?

What do you guys think VOGONS, DOSBox, and the retro gaming community in general will look like in 30, 40+ years? We'll all be old geezers by that point. Hopefully there will be new blood. Maybe, just maybe, by that time DOSBox 0.75 will have been released. But I wouldn't count on it :) One thing I …

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