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Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

If it's DirectX 8.1 you need D3D8.dll not ddraw.dll. Only the "gameplay" is rendered in direct3d, everything else is directdraw. It was a common shit back in the day, not sure the advantage of it. I dont want to use the direct3d wrapper since game is already perfectly supported in new systems, …

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

I'm trying to use DDRAW wrapper with Humvee Assault (2003) but the game doesnt recognize dgVoodoo. Config is ok and ddraw dll is in root folder. The game engine is DirectX 8.1 and its perfectly supported in new system (WS, fullHD, AA, etc) but all videos, menus and loading screens are rendered in …

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

Even with the WS patch and _inmm patched executable. Works great. Windows 10 64-bit. GeForce? Radeon HD 5770 & Windows 8.1 here. Yes, 970. Hotswitch the resolution in game (=without exiting the game). I havent tried since i can choose whatever resolution with the patched executables of WSGF.

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

Clearly visible in Mortyr: http://i.imgur.com/ypTFwxi.png Also the screenshot should be 1920x1200 instead of 1920x1080. I'm seeing black bars on the top and bottom. I'm using the latest version of dgVoodoo and didnt noticed any problem so far. Here are some shots using dgV https://lh3. …

Re: dgVoodoo 2 for DirectX 11

I have some problems with Metal Gear Solid (Integral), if i set the dgVoodoo adapter in graphic options the water looks corrupted (some kind of weird dithering noise effect), menus are overlaped and the performance is bad in general, setting the maximum resolution. This port could be the weirdest PS …

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