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Re: Is WiFi harmful?

in Milliways
Azarien wrote: gdjacobs wrote: Are people being reprogrammed by the wifis? There was a Doctor Who episode on that. Which episode of Doctor Who?

Re: Why is there hidden administrator in Windows nowadays?

in Milliways
Probably for backwards comparability as well. Up till Vista, Administrator was the default user account. After XP it was considered a big security risk as it was a given that the PC would have a login called administrator, just need to crack the password, which is why it is now disabled by default. …

Why is there hidden administrator in Windows nowadays?

in Milliways
If I am the only sole user of the computer, why is there a hidden administrator in the operating system? Let say if I am the only person exist in the planet, and the hidden administrator account is there. It feels like there are two persons that use the computer. There are no hidden administrator …

Japanese version of Warcraft 2?

in Milliways
Any of you knows where to get the Japanese version of Warcraft 2? Other Japanese version of games I am currently looking for: Wing Commander series They are retro games.

Re: Hidden code in Microsoft?

in Milliways
Let's say if this thing is not superstitious, does it mean all Windows from Windows 95 to current version of Windows has anything to do with 666? Or just Windows 95?

Hidden code in Microsoft?

in Milliways
I heard an article in the internet that Windows 95 is equal to 666 and MS-DOS 6.21 is equal to 666. What does this mean? Is it coincidence? https://www.redhat.com/archives/redhat-list/1 … l/msg02747.html http://members.tripod.com/a_yee/tu666FAQ/index.html

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