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Re: DOSBox-X branch

I'm not very familiar with how to support that code. If someone here can do it better than I can, I can accept patches and pull requests to add it in. Edit: by that I mean I'm not familiar with Direct3D and how you implement pixel shaders in Windows. I have played a bit with shaders and OpenGL in …

Re: How do I setup a serial terminal with a modern system?

in Milliways
You can use EMS (Emergency Management Services) on Windows on a serial port (if you have one :) ) https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff542193(v=vs.85).aspx It's possible to view network settings and start cmd from EMS. I use it on servers via SoL (Serial on LAN) IPMI for out …

Re: DOSBox Scaler & Shader at the same time ?

All shaders that work as "scalers" need HW scaling (hq, crt, xbr, ...) - they need output image that is bigger than input image so they have enough output pixels to work with and smooth the image. The shaders that only change some properties of the image (like mcamber.fx or mcgreen.fx) do not …

Re: DOSBox Scaler & Shader at the same time ?

No. Though honestly I'm not really clear on the purpose of the HardwareXx modes, since the output seems the same across them as with no scaler. The idea is to mimic normal2x/normal3x but use hardware scaling instead of software doubling/tripling. This also functions as an activation for those …

Re: DOSBox tearing & renderer idle

D3D has the lowest overhead of all outputs, besides the entire dosbox renderer engine is still idling, only D3D is doing the refresh...this way the pixels are only transferred from the emulated vga when they change (and not 70 times/s), the current D3D graphics cards can easily handle full 70fps : …

Re: DOSBox tearing & renderer idle

You can stop "render idling" if you modify a shader (point.fx for instance) and add "bool forceupdate : FORCEUPDATE = true;" somewhere at the top. Use output=Direct3D,pixelshader=point.fx,scaler=hardware2x. As for tearing, it's probably the game that doesn't use vsync. DOS games rarely used vsync, …

Re: Pixel shaders and Scaler

Pixelshader is activated when dosbox requests hardware scaling. Hardware scaling can be setup either with hardware scaler (hardware2x or hardware3x) or with window/fullresolution options. If for instance you set pixelshader=hq2x.fx, scaler=none, fullresolution=1920x1200...then hq2x will be used to …

Re: Pixel shaders and Scaler

Don't use hq3x scaler with the shader. It's not necessary, it will only make things slower and uglier. The hq2x shader can handle any multiplication you want. Just set the desired fullresolution and the pixelshader option and it'll work just fine. The algorithm for the shader is somewhat different …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

That's one way, but actually what you should do is run add new hardware wizard and install the IDE controler. That way, the CD-ROM drive will be connected natively and not through DOS MSCDEX calls.

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