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Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Just flashing a micro SD card with Ubuntu Mate to test on my rPi3... should be a few hours of fun (NOT). I've lost an entire day trying to compile correctly iDOS 2 for my iPhone (the iPad one compiled flawlessly, runs smoothly, I can't understand why). Both are running well now. Apparently I had to …

Re: What do you drive?

in Milliways
A 2014 Ford New Fiesta 1.5... *sighs* I would be quite happy with that, if it has decent seats and cruise control :) Decent seats my car has, but no cruise control... why would I want cruise control when all I want is to hammer the throttle down? :P It's not that bad, sometimes I get to drive my …

Re: Why don’t PC parts work in a Mac ?

in Milliways
I switched to OS X around a year after Windows 7 came out. Mainly because I wanted to move away from Windows and have a more Linux like machine. However at that time my adventures into Linux were not fruitful and as I became invested into the Apple environment it felt natural to move there. Ever …

Re: Toshiba T4900CT

Amazing adventure. Congratulations! I have a busted Acer Extensa 710T and I hope one day I can fix it like you did with your Toshiba. The Acer was my first ever laptop and it had Win95. So far, from what I can see... your Toshiba is now factory perfect? No issues? Hows the experience now in 2020, …

Re: Why don’t PC parts work in a Mac ?

in Milliways
I'll give you that point, because you're right. If there was an update to Litchie's DOSBox port to current source version, for sure the GP2 game would be much faster in a current iPad, although mine is the 2nd gen iPad Pro 12.9 inch model.

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