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Re: Sound Blaster 16 Clones

The Serpent Rider wrote: Am i missing something or ALS100+ actually can't properly emulate SB16? 16-bit mixing has DMA range from 0 to 3, but Duke3D, ROTT and others allow only DMA 5 of higher. It seems that high DMA support vanished with the plus version

Re: ATI cards for retro builds... any benefits?

For significant periods from 2000-2010 (and for that matter 1987-~1991) ATi cards offered the best performance of the day and several times ATi was the first to introduce new features or support new DirectX standards. It really depends on your timeframe and goals with your retro system. This At the …

Re: U320 Scsi in MS-DOS

Another option is sticking with IDE and using SD to IDE adapters. I have found them to be far less trouble than trying to find CF cards that play nice - the only downside is that they don't like sharing the IDE bus with another device I would really be looking at driver support as well - regardless …

Re: List of DOS Games won't start in DOS

There are lots of old games that won't run for various reasons. By definition, a DOS game should run in DOS, so there must be some other issue Jetfighter (the first one) is a game I have fond memories of, but apparently it relies on something specific to the 386 or 486, so I can't run it on newer …

Re: U320 Scsi in MS-DOS

I can't think of any real reason to have a super fast hard drive in a retro system. That said, maybe you can get an adaptec ultra160 card and a 15K scsi drive https://storageadvisors.adaptec.com/en-us/support/_eol/scsi_sw/ez-scsi_3.11/ I'm not sure if this will work for your application, but if you …

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