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Re: Best/fastest/ultimate Hardware for Windows XP gaming

in Windows
VMWare running Windows XP runs decently on my computer (GTX 1050 Ti, Intel i7 2600). It actually runs at the same speed (similar) as a Pentium 4 machine with a NVIDIA FX 5500 GPU. I haven't done extensive testing, but it works alright. VMWare doesn't support Windows XP offically (anymore at least). …

Re: ABC Sports IndyCar not working on Win7 x64

in Windows
Haven't replaced anything in those folders. The 2 copies I own give the same error. I'll run a system check to see if anything's missing, but up to now it's the only game that has been installed properly and is not working at all. I'm suspecting it's a video codec that might be causing this, since …

Re: ABC Sports IndyCar not working on Win7 x64

in Windows
Have you modified any system files in SysWOW64 or System32? If you haven't, then get a new copy of the game somehow. Also run a System File Check and see if it comes up with any components missing, if it does then that is your answer.

Re: ABC Sports IndyCar not working on Win7 x64

in Windows
filipetolhuizen wrote: Anything else I should try? I had to set my display resolution in Windows 7 (64-bit btw) to 16-bit High Colour. It is a nusiance to do so manually each time you want to play the game. I also had to install the d3drm.dll from PCGamingWiki (Direct3D Retained Mode).

Re: Do ATI/AMD cards have an Extension Limit control ?

in Windows
For the stuttering, try rename ef2.exe to quake3.exe if you haven't done so. I know that's weird but it seems work. Does naming it something else other than quake3.exe have the same effect? There may be registry entrie(s) being loaded or .dll's either not being loaded or loaded when the game is …

Re: No One Lives Forever GOTY no launch on Win10

in Windows
Create a shortcut for the main .exe I think (there is probably a separate launcher exe file). Open file location the shortcut if you don't know where the game is. Once you have created the new shortcut (for the game, not the launcher), view the properties of the shortcut and add -rez NOLF.rez -rez …

Re: Screenshot Utility

in Windows
I found a really good screenshot utility that has WAY too many settings. It is also open-source. ShareX can capture any fullscreen application (I haven't tested extensively), but it has a ton of customisations. By default it shows a notification, but you can disable that too. There is only a single …

Re: Screenshot Utility

in Windows
If you are using Windows 10, you can just use the Windows Button + PrintScreen to save directly to a file. Any screenshot you take is automatically saved in C:\User\USERNAME\Pictures\Screenshots I don't think the shortcut works on Windows 7 though, sadly. If you are using Windows 10, you can also …

Re: dgVoodoo 2 page on PCGamingWiki

I added lots of content for Configuring DirectX in dgVoodoo2 to the page, if you want to check it out. 😀 https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/DgVoodoo_2 Some options could be more extrapolated by Dege, since there are some settings that could have more information that is relevant.

Re: Test Drive 5 crashes on Windows 10

in Windows
I managed to get Test Drive 5 working on Windows 10 relatively easily. What I had to do was apply the TestDrive 5 1.1 patch in Windows 95 compatibility mode. Then use dgVoodoo2 for the game on Windows 10. Works flawlessly (so far). I have only tested that getting into a race works, not much more …

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