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Re: Last night I dreamt

in Milliways
cyclone3d wrote: That and doors that have too big of a gap between the door and the frame so the door won't latch and is also unable to be locked. Are we all having the same dreams? 🤣 I had that one a few days ago!

Re: Last night I dreamt

in Milliways
Duuuude! I know right? In my dreams, this always happens with AT computers which are hard switches. Then I would try and unplug them and they would still be on..... I know one of the signs to look out for if you want to lucid dream is light switches not working. I think the primitive layers of the …

Re: Last night I dreamt

in Milliways
I had a repeat dream over the years where I was sitting at my computer, then I would shut it down, but it just wouldn't turn off!! It scared the shit out of dream-me. I used to have a similar dream about my old CRT TV long ago that scared me too. What really scared me was when it happened in real …

Re: User input in .BAT file?

Keep in mind a lot of the functionality of batch scripts came about after DOS and 9x died. Wikipedia reports 'SET /P' was introduced in Windows 2000. I think 'CHOICE /C' with multiple options is available in 6.22 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choice_(command)) CHOICE /C:123 if %errorlevel% EQU 1 ( …

Re: Off the grid

in Milliways
For me, the Internet journey started with a 56k modem and ever since it's no leaving the web unless you retreat like a hermit. It's like the song: "you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave!" I recall listening to BBC Radio 1 in late 1999 and hearing a news report about (IIRC) a …

Re: The most RAM I have ever had in a computer

in Milliways
And all this is do to piss poor coding A modern browser outputs a page of text and graphics Maybe a moving image and some sound None of this should require much to accomplish It doesn't. But the three dozen third-party tracking scripts loading in the background do. I swear sites loaded faster in …

Re: the world how I would have wanted it: Sim City 2000

in Milliways
yawetaG wrote: SC3k Unlimited may be Windows-based, but it's basically 2000 on steroids (unfortunately minus waterfalls and water power). I have many fond memories of playing both SC2K and SC3K, but the jazz/minimalist soundtrack of 3000 seals it for me. One of my absolute favourite game …

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