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Re: IBM PS/1 SVGA Monitor with 9-Pin Connector

I remember seeing adapters from DE-9 to DE-15 growing up and always wondering wtf the spec was for that or if it was even consistent Hint: It's not consistent. There are multiple DE-9 analog pinouts. Another common one is to use R,G,B,H,V at the same position as CGA has them, but R,G,B as analog …

Re: IBM PS/1 SVGA Monitor with 9-Pin Connector

I've tried looking for cables. I want to make sure I get the correct cable. Also, I'm fine making my own cable if I know the 9-Pin to 15-Pin pin translation. I’ve never seen adapter cables. There is a formed 9pin to 15 pin monitor adapter, about 2.5” long I would have to dig through my junkpile and …

Re: ebay enters the ashbin of history

And whatever happened to those storefronts that would sell your items for you? Did ebay somehow do away with them somehow? Likely drives “reporting” which again increases tax preparation costs. These types of things should have hard requirements for 1. Affects businesses only 2. Affects people over …

Re: Members of Vogons, what shows do you currently watch?

I was so disappointed with SGU because they tried to make it into something for "modern audiences". And I shudder at how bad a new Stargate show would be if it was made in this day and age. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd23slMhWQU Yeah well the original show runners made a script that respected …

Re: Members of Vogons, what shows do you currently watch?

Watched 'Samaritan' last night with my wife. I saw parts of that, will now need to actively rewatch, for me the movie was named wrong, ah well, was fun seeing Stallone in that role . Finally finished Stargate Atlantis (started in February) Now Starting SG1, episode 3, gonna take a while fun to see …

Re: ebay enters the ashbin of history

You do know PayPal reports your transactions to the government for tax purposes. I only sell things that I generally bought new at full retail. As another alluded to it’s usually “illegal “ to tax when there is no overall financial gain, basically means everyone now has to become a business to …

Re: What to keep and what to throw out?

You can likely sell some of the stuff as long as you don’t care how much you get. For me ebaying the stuff was a lot of work, hassle and at the time prices were very depressed. I attempted to get local pickups but nobody local wanted the stuff so I tore a lot of it down and got my $0.50 a pound as …

Re: ebay enters the ashbin of history

Ever since they blocked communication and went to descriptive feedback moving listings up and down alongside the massive influx of foreign spam products in every category got me to quit selling because nobody seemed to find what I was selling anymore. I was always low volume and close to 50/50 buy …

Re: easiest way to record tv shows

Sune Salminen wrote on 2022-08-27, 14:32: Same idea, except it will work: Get any old VHS recorder, tune in and record from the composite video out. That’s exactly what I did many years during the first 6 years of digital TV.

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