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Re: Voting when you are uninformed?

Well, I do not read Fakebook (never had an account and never will have) so I am not informed. But I cannot understand why people like Jussie Smollett still are celebrities, in spite of what he did. I find this crazy. Here in Germany a girl slit a swastika into her arm using a knife and pretended …

Re: Which flasher and which EEPROM/flash chips do I need to read and program these BIOS chips?

Great, thanks! There is a counterfeit warning on http://www.autoelectric.cn/en/tl866_main.html indicating that no one should buy the TL866 A/CS versions, instead the II Plus. It seems to have new/additional functions also. Only disadvantage is that max programming voltage is 18 instead of 21V... but …

Re: Voting when you are uninformed?

I feel very similar. Mass media, be it OTA TV, established newspapers, and the big [brother] news sites makes me sick. So much pressing on emotions, evading any factual discussion, which gets suppressed quickly if not "convenient" and conform to the mainstream newspeak. This reminds me more and more …

Re: Microwave oven interferes with CRT?!

Yes, ask your electrician friend where ground (PE) gets separated from neutral (N). Correct is to do this before the electric distribution main box, after which there must be no connection between N and PE. That frequent "solution" bridging neutral and PE in the wallplug is a poor and dangerous " …

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